k0b0's record.

Computer Engineering, Arts and Books

RISC-V Instruction encoding(Opcode, Funct3, Funct6/7)

Instruction encoding of RISC-V

I note Opcode, Funct 3, Funct 6/7 of each instruction type of RISC - V.

Format Instruction Opcode Funct3 Funct6/7
add 0110011 000 0000000
sub 0110011 000 0100000
sll 0110011 001 0000000
xor 0110011 100 0000000
sri 0110011 101 0000000
sra 0110011 101 0000000
or 0110011 110 0000000
and 0110011 111 0000000
lr.d 0110011 011 0001000
sc.d 0110011 011 0001100
lb 0000011 000 N/A
lh 0000011 001 N/A
lw 0000011 010 N/A
ld 0000011 011 N/A
lbu 0000011 100 N/A
lhu 0000011 101 N/A
lwu 0000011 110 N/A
addi 0010011 000 N/A
slli 0010011 001 000000
xori 0010011 100 N/A
srli 0010011 101 000000
srai 0010011 101 010000
ori 0010011 110 N/A
andi 0010011 111 N/A
jalr 1100111 000 N/A
sb 0100011 000 N/A
sh 0100011 001 N/A
sw 0100011 010 N/A
sd 0100011 111 N/A
beq 1100111 000 N/A
bne 1100111 001 N/A
blt 1100111 100 N/A
bqe 1100111 101 N/A
bltu 1100111 110 N/A
bqeu 1100111 111 N/A
U-type lui 0110111 N/A N/A
UJ-type jalr 1101111 N/A N/A