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Computer Engineering, Arts and Books

Verilog/SystemVerilog $display

About $display

 Note about Verilog/SystemVerilog system task $display.

Format of $display

$display("Format", Argument0,Argument1...)

Sample code

/* test_display.sv */
module test_display(); logic[15:0] x = 16'hffff; initial begin display(x); end task display(logic [15:0] x); begin $display("########################"); $display("x(Binary) = %b", x); $display("x(Hex) = %h", x); $display("x(Decimal) = %d", x); $display("########################"); end endtask endmodule

Execution result

# x(Binary) = 1111111111111111
# x(Hex) = ffff
# x(Decimal) = 65535

Escape sequence

Format Description
\n New line
\t Tab
\\ Output "\"
\" Output "
\ddd Character output by ASCII (octal number)
%% Output "%"
%b or %B Binary number
%d or %D Decimal number
%e or %E Index
%f or %F Real number
%g or %G % e,% f, output the one with the smaller number of digits
%h or %H Hexadecimal
%l or %L Library bind information
%m or %M Hierarchy
%o or %O Octal number
%s or %S String
%t or %T Time
%u or %U Binary output of 0 and 1 (X, Z are 0)
%v or %V Signal strength
%z or %Z Four-value output of 0, 1, X, Z